Welcome To Our New Website!


Our core purpose is for children to develop a love for writing and become independent, fluent writers who cultivate personal style throughout their time in school. Through the design of our curriculum, underpinned by the principles of ‘Talk for Writing’, we aim to create a writing culture where children: see themselves as writers; become inspired by high quality texts and authors; apply rich and varied vocabular discerningly; edit with skill, accuracy and purpose; develop stamina and resilience; are ready for their next stage in learning. With clarity of purpose and audience, we structure the teaching of writing progressively and sequentially in order that pupils see and reflect on their progress from elicitation to final piece. We celebrate writing!
A writer at our school will:
• Take pride in their writing and presentation
• Reflect on the use of language to write with purpose and effect
• Consider author voice and intent through shared, quality texts
• Articulate and talk their writing confidently
• Select vocabulary deliberately
• Adjust writing appropriately to a range of genres and across the curriculum
• Apply spelling, punctuation and grammar conventions accurately and independently
• Respond effectively to feedback, co-construct and take ownership of writing targets
• Take risks to write creatively