After School Club
We share an After School Club with Wolborough C of E Primary School. The club is run at Wolborough 5 days per week. The club runs on Monday - Thursday from 3:15pm - 6:00pm and on Friday from 3:15pm - 5:30pm. The children are walked up from Bearnes to Wolborough at the end of the day. The cost is £4 from 3:15pm - 4:00pm and £7 from 3:15pm - 5:30/6:00pm. This is booked by contacting the Admin Office at Bearnes and then paid for through Parentpay.
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club is open from 08:00am each day. We offer a range of cereals, toast and juice for all the children. The doors close at 08:30am. The charge for this is only £0.50 per day. Do come along and try it.
Please find below our latest term dates:
We are now using Parentpay for our school meal ordering/paying and for trips and uniform - watch this space! You should all have received your log-in details now and can link more than one child to your account. Please contact us if you have any problems.
School Dinners
£2.60 per meal ordered and paid in advance through Parentpay. Menus are below.
The Government provides free school meals for all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. If you think you might be entitled to Free School Meals, please apply on the Devon County Council portal here - DCC FSM Portal
School Uniform:
Pale blue polo shirt
Grey trousers/shorts or a skirt/pinafore dress
Navy cardigan or jumper with the school logo
A pale blue checked dress or grey shorts (optional in summer)
White, grey or navy socks, tights and hairbands
PE Kit:
White t-shirt, navy or black shorts and trainers. Track suits or leggings can be worn during the winter.
Sweatshirts: from £10.00
Cardigans: from £11.50
Full zip fleece: from £14.00
PE Bags: £5.00
Book Bags: £4.75
These can be ordered through the office, and paid for on Parentpay.
Second hand uniform:
We do have a selection of second hand uniform in the office. Please pop in and see what we have.